C-ITS deployment pilot in Finland

18 service providers share safety related traffic information to end users via interchange nodes (i.e. data exchange servers).

Location: Main road network in Finland (highways & motorways in Finland)

Testing: February - May 2020

The aim of the Finnish C-ITS deployment pilot is to share information that enhance traffic safety and fluency and to create a new way to share C-ITS-messages between traffic information suppliers so that the end user gets more information of better quality.

In the pilot 18 service providers share safety related traffic information to each other and end users via interchange nodes.

There are several different ways to collect data in the pilot, e.g. automatic sensors, machine vision and apps. The pilot involves several different apps that display the shared C-ITS-messages. The messages are triggered from the entire Finnish road network.

The Finnish C-ITS pilot consists of three different consortia, each of them deploying a range of C-ITS services for road users in real life. The testing in full-scale is done from February and until May 2020.

Finnish C-ITS Deployment Pilot demonstration

On-line demonstration of the Finnish C-ITS Deployment pilot, 2020 May 6th