In Vehicle Signage

The service is to inform drivers about actual, static and dynamic road signs via in-vehicle systems. Road signs can be mandatory or advisory.


Physical road signs are used to inform drivers of passing vehicles about speed limits, expected travel times, etc. The same information is provided to all drivers irrespective of vehicle type. Access to physical road sign information can be impeded in different ways due to reduced visibility, lack of driver attention, etc.


Providing road sign information to drivers via in-vehicle equipment is an alternative way to inform drivers about road signs.It can be used to complement physical road signs and improve accessibility to road sign information. Furthermore, it provides for targeting road sign information to specific types of vehicles and drivers.


The objectives of the service are to:

  • Increase awareness of drivers to road signage;
  • Reduce drivers’ problems with observing and interpreting physical signs, e.g. due to reduced visibility, obstructions of different kinds, and limited attention to signs.

NordicWay 3 Proof of concept (PoC) implementing this service

In-Vehicle Signage for Motorway Control Systems and VMS

NordicWay 2 Demonstration sites implementing this service

C-ITS deployment pilot in Finland

Norwegian open test site for C-ITS  technology 

Norwegian C-ITS services for challenges on high volume highways

Expected benefits

Expected benefits include:

  • Improved driver awareness to road sign information;
  • Improved quality of road sign information (information can be provided in a timely and continuous manner);
  • Improved accessibility of road sign information irrespective of reduced visibility and other environmental conditions;
  • Increased usability (information can be targeted to specific vehicles and users).

Use cases

The use cases for the service include:

  • In Vehicle Speed Limits