Hybrid initiative – PoC

The Hybrid Initiative aims to evaluate how concurrent cellular long-range and ITS-G5 short-range V2X communication can be combined to increase the value of infrastructure data for automated driving functions.

The goal is to improve traffic safety and network efficiency. Second, the initiative will explore new possibilities based on digital green-light request from an approaching vehicle to the traffic light controller.

Use cases to explore are:

·    Hybrid communication to assist AD vehicle through an intersection

·    Digital notification (e.g. green-time request)

·    Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory GLOSA and Time-to-green TTG/Time-to-red TTR

·    Red Light Violation Warning RLVW

·    Hybrid communication enabled Traffic Signal Priority TSP

·    Platform for data collection and monitoring


The PoC will take into account activities of the flagship pilot on Traffic Signals.

The PoC is led by Swarco and participating partners are Scania CV, City of Gothenburg, ActiaNordic AB, Monotch, Cybercom Sweden, Volvo car cooperation and EVAM.