Road Works Warning

Test sites: Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.


Road Works Warning(RWW) is a service which aims to enhance traffic safety and flow by reducing accidents and traffic jams caused by road works on major routes as well as inter-urban and urban streets.



C-ITS Road Works Warning is one of the most matured C-ITS services that has been piloted and demonstrated already in the first NordicWay project (2015-2017) to achieve interoperability between the Nordic countries. RWW is also part of the C-Roads Platform specifications to achieve European wide interoperability and in which NordicWay has participated.



The main objective is to provide a Road Works Warning (RWW) message to vehicles upfront of a roadworks working area which will lead to

· more attentive driving while approaching and passing a work zone or road operator vehicles in operation.

· reducing the number of collisions with road vehicle safety-objects and road operator vehicles.

· enhanced safety for people working on/along roads.

· better traffic flow.

The focus in NordicWay 3 is to implement the whole ecosystem, from data production at the roadside, via message distribution through the Interchange and present those messages to the driver.

Mobile road work is frequently happening along the roads and warning of position and possibly speed for these vehicles will give awareness to drivers nearby.

Pilot Trials

The Swedish and Norwegian pilots include real time RWW messages produced by the maintenance operators, such as Svevia, Skanska, PEAB, Terranor, Ramudden and Mesta.

The pilots include data from several real time data sources

· MIP (mobile in data plowing vehicle)(Sweden)

· TMA (truck mounted attenuator)(Sweden)

· RSU (Road Side Units) (Sweden-Norwegian)

· Mobile application (Combo) (Norwegian)

All pilots are connected to the Interchange federation and the messages are available for service providers to make solutions for further distribution. The Norwegian pilot consume the RWW data and publishes RWW messages to the infotainment system in vehicles (Polestar fleet).

They cover a large geographical area both in Sweden and Norway. To deploy this in larger scale is not a technical issue, but more about contracts with entrepreneurs and business models for service providers.